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Roding Primary School & Nursery with Provision for Deaf Children.

Roding Lane North, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 8NP

Parent Partnership

A Partnership 

Education is a partnership between home and school and parents/carers are, therefore, very welcome in our school. On matters concerning their child’s progress, parents/carers should arrange an appointment with the class teacher. The Headteacher or Deputy Head Teacher are also available to see parents by appointment. Parents/carers are also welcome to give help in our school, for example with reading or educational visits. Class teachers or parent governors will be only too pleased to explain what help is needed. Parents/carers should contact the school office if they would like further information on this. To keep parents up-to-date about the life of the school, regular newsletters are sent home with the children. From time to time, questionnaires are also sent out to gauge parents’ views and suggestions. A parents’ comments box can also be found in the reception area.

Parent meetings 

These are held each term to enable parents/carers to view work and discuss their child’s progress. In the spring term, our Assessment Day provides a longer opportunity for pupils’ targets and progress to be discussed. The school hopes all parents/carers will attend these meetings.

Parents and Friends Association (PFA) 

The work of the school is supported by our excellent Parent and Friends Association, which raises considerable funds for us and organises a range of social events. All parents are automatically members of the PFA and anyone wishing to find out more about ways of helping should ask at Reception for a contact name. 

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