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Roding Primary School & Nursery with Provision for Deaf Children.

Roding Lane North, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 8NP


We believe that every member of the Roding community has responsibility for ensuring the safety and well being of every child at all times.  The school follows the London Borough of Redbridge guidelines & has its own policy.  (See Policies) Staff will receive safeguarding training on a regular basis through annual level 1 training sessions and regular updates throughout the year.  There are also members of staff, who include the Head Teacher who will receive regular Level 2 training.  Regular volunteers and visitors will also recieve safeguarding training. 

All staff have a duty of care and are expected to be proactive with reporting matters around child protection, including concerns/suspicions around radicalisation, female genital mutilation, and online safety.  If you have a concern about a child or another adult please speak to one of the members of staff of the safeguarding team. 

Mrs Claire Edwards - Assistant Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Officer 

Mrs Helen Radmore - Co-Head Teacher & Safeguarding Officer 

Miss Melissa Nwankiti​ - Co Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher & Deputy Safeguarding Officer 

Mr Rob Ashbrook - Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Safeguarding Team Poster 

Useful Websites:

Childline    NSPCC     

Online Safety

Think you know - advice for parents: Parents homepage (thinkuknow.co.uk)

Vodaphone digital parenting magazine: Digital Parenting | Vodafone

Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre

Internet Safety for Kids: Teaching Kids About Internet Safety (gcfglobal.org)

Own It - A place to help you boss your life online - Own It - BBC


To report criminal online content: https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/


Radicalisation and child protection | NSPCC Learning

Educate against hate: Parents' Resources - Educate Against Hate

Keeping children and young people safe against radicalisation and extremism: TH Advice to Parents v2:Layout 1 (towerhamlets.gov.uk)


Anti bullying Alliance: Anti-Bullying Alliance

Redbridge adult and childrens services: Redbridge - Child protection

Link to keeping children safe in education - Statutory guidance overview: Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

NSPCC Underwear rule: Talk PANTS & Join Pantosaurus - The Underwear Rule | NSPCC

Private Tuition 

Redbridge have produced a useful leaflet which will help you if you decide to find a Private Tutor for your child: 

55ef99_d0215a7709c24532a09b9c05a5063c06.pdf (filesusr.com)

Domestic abuse:

Redbridge - Victims of domestic abuse 


Operation Encompass

The school has been given the opportunity to take part in a project that will run jointly between schools and the Metropolitan Police Service. This project is known as Operation Encompass. Operation Encompass is the notification to schools that a child (under 18) has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident. Read the full letter here. 


Parents are also asked to be vigilant about reporting Whilst we do not wish to turn our school into a fortress, we monitor and review our security procedures regularly. For the children’s safety, all parents and visitors must report to the MAIN ENTRANCE and RECEPTION whenever they need to come into school. Anyone on business, other than with office staff, must sign in and wear a visitor’s badge. No parent or visitor is allowed to come beyond the inner reception doors without permission. No parent or visitor is allowed to enter any of the other doors into the building which are for pupils and teachers only. All parents/carers are asked to help maintain these security measures for the safety of the children. The safety of all our children is a priority, and both teaching and non-teaching staffs are vigilant about reporting anything of concern. Parents are also asked to be vigilant about reporting anything suspicious within the vicinity of the school. It is the responsibility of parents to know what their child is bringing to school in their pockets and school bags.


Unfortunately, we experience lots of conjestion around the school, during peak times.  If possible we would urge to walk/cycle to school.  See the benefits of this by looking at our Travel Plan (Policies) 

If this is not possible please ensure that you do not park on the zig-zag lines at any time!  Anybody parking in this way and/or in an unsafe way will be reported to the Safer Neighbourhood team.  We urge you to not obstruct/block/park in front of our local resident drives/pathways.  It is important that they are respected and we will support their complaints to the police, if needed.   We have a Travel Team which include 6 Travel Amabassasors in Year 5 that continually work on these issues.  

Please help our children to be safe. 

School policy on smoking 

We have a ‘No Smoking’ policy and this applies to buildings and playgrounds. Parents and other visitors are asked to respect this at all times. 


In the interests of health and safety, dogs must not be brought onto the school site. 

Walk to school 

We encourage all children to walk to school and take part in the Redbridge Walk to School programmes which rewards children with stickers and badges 

Bicycles and scooters

Children may ride their bicycle to school but they must wear a helmet. Bicycles must not be ridden in the playground. Children who come on bikes should walk them round and padlock them in the cycle bays. Children are not allowed to ride scooters or use skates/skateboards in the playground. 

Climbing Frames 

The climbing frames are only for the use of our pupils during playtimes and lunchtimes. Every September, we train each class how to use the climbing frames so that they can exercise and have fun safely. Each class is given timeslots for using the frames during playtimes and lunchtimes when they are supervised by a staff member. Children are not allowed to go on the climbing frames before or after school. All parents must keep their children off the climbing frame areas before and after school. Parents and carers are not allowed to take any child onto the climbing frames. 

Staff safety 

As well as a duty of care to pupils, the school has a duty of care to its staff and will not tolerate abusive or threatening behaviour from parents or other visitors. Any member of staff faced with such behaviour has been told not to deal with the person(s) concerned but to seek help from senior staff. Abusive behaviour will result in action being taken, which may include a ban from school premises. 


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