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Roding Primary School & Nursery with Provision for Deaf Children.

Roding Lane North, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 8NP


We take great pride in the wide range of visits that are organised for each year group throughout the year. School staff plan and organise a wide range of trips and visits following specific guidelines in the planning and implementation of school trips and always have children’s safety and wellbeing uppermost in mind throughout.

As well as supporting the work children undertake in the classroom the purpose of such trips is to provide children with a broad range of experiences, support topic work, assist their cultural development, promote curiosity, stimulate discussion and generate further interest.


The school recognises the value and benefit of such trips and visits and will continue to provide significant subsidies to aide in reducing the overall trip costs. In the initial trip letter sent to parents/carers we will always provide a financial breakdown of the trip. This will identify the range of costs (travel, entrance fees) and the level of school subsidy.

Such trips will only be possible if parents/ carers pay a contribution towards their cost. If there are insufficient contributions (less than 90% of the total costs), such trips will not be able to take place. The school will always be sympathetic to any requests made in confidence to the Headteacher from parents/carers who are unable to help out in this way.

As part of the range of school based topics children are actively involved in using the local environment to support their learning. We are legally obliged to have parental consent for these local visits so parents/carers are asked to complete a consent form when their child joins the school. Without this consent, children will not be able to take part in the activities.

When classes go on educational trips to places further away, such as museums or art galleries in central London, information about arrangements and a consent form is always sent home.

We have increasingly been able to make use of free travel on the London Underground and will request from time to time that parents/carers drop off and collect their children from Woodford Station. To date, this have been highly successful and enabled the school to provide some truly memorable trips throughout London.

The School and Governing Body follow the local authority policy on charging i.e. no charge is made for any of the educational visits that are deemed necessary for the teaching of the National Curriculum.


Research shows that activities, such as educational visits, enrich children's experiences, motivation and learning leading to improved life chances and ambition. 

Early Years

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Year 1

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Year 2

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Year 3

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Year 4

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Year 5

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Year 6

The Maes y Lade Centre is run by Essex Boys and Girls Clubs (a young peoples charity) and is the school's venue of choice for our Year 6 Residential Trip. 


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