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Roding Primary School & Nursery with Provision for Deaf Children.

Roding Lane North, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 8NP

School Uniform

There is a uniform at Roding which all children from Reception upwards are encouraged to wear every day, as it helps develop our school identity.  However, it is understood that this is not always possible for families.  Staff are expected to talk with parents/carers when children are not wearing the correct uniform.  The school will always help families to clothe thier children in school uniform if jointly desired.

Uniform in the Nursery is encouraged and follows the same expectations as the rest of the school.  Black joggers, however, can be worn for ease.  

Children may wear:

Navy Roding sweatshirt or plain navy pullover or cardigan

Plain white polo shirts, shirts or blouses

Black trousers, shorts, black skirts or pinafore dresses

Blue check or striped dresses in summer

White or black socks or tights

Plain black shoes or black or white shoes in the summer

P.E. Uniform:

Plain white tee shirt, black or navy shorts

Plain black plimsolls or trainers

Plain black or navy tracksuit for outdoor P.E.

All children are expected to come to school appropriately dressed for the day’s activities.   .

We stock uniform in school – please contact the office for details.

Please mark all coats and uniform items with your child’s name

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