Message sent from:

Roding Primary School & Nursery with Provision for Deaf Children.

Roding Lane North, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 8NP

Reception Starters September 2021

We look forward to you and your child joining the Roding Community in September.  

Please complete the Admissions Form, Child Collection Form, Home School Agreement and Tapestry Form and send them to admissions@rodingprimary.co.uk.

If you have any problems accessing or completing the forms or have any questions about the admissions process please use the admissions email for your enquiry.


Here is the link to the induction day slide presentation.

Documents to Complete and Return

Admission Form

Parent and Pupil Consent Form

Home/School Agreement Form

Child Colection Form

Tapestry Form - this is our tool for communicating with you on your children's learning

Tapestry FAQ - For information, does not need to be returned



Parent Hub and Parent Mail

Parent Hub - this is our main tool for communicating with parents

Parent Mail - this is used for collecting information from parents, you will receive an invite for this in due course

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